
Dear Rwanda forthcoming May 2023 from Live Canon!

Writing by Isabella Mead appears in the following literary journals and magazines:

  • Poetry News, 2022, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2001. Poetry News is the newsletter of The Poetry Society. Click here to join The Poetry Society.

  • Mslexia: 83. Mslexia is the magazine for women who write. Click here to subscribe to Mslexia.

  • Magma: 84: Poems for Schools; 85: Physics, 70: The Europe Issue Click here to subscribe to Magma.

  • Envoi 53. Click here for more information on Cinnamon Press.

  • Ink Sweat & Tears.


Poems by Isabella Mead appear in the following anthologies:

Brotherton Poetry Prize Anthology II (Carcanet, 2022) Eds. Simon Armitage, Malika Booker, John Whale, Stella Butler and Zaffar Kunial.

Black Lives Matter: Poems for a New World (2020) Ed. Ambrose Musiyiwa; Pub. Civic Leicester

Beyond the Storm: Poems from the Covid19 era (2020)Pub. Write Out Loud. All proceeds to NHS Charities.

Bollocks to Brexit: An Anthology of Poems and Short Fiction (2019) Ed. Ambrose Musiyiwa; Pub. Civic Leicester.

The Golden Book: 50 Years of Arvon (2018)Pub. The Arvon Foundation

Lung Jazz: Young British Poets for Oxfam (2012)Ed. Ben Wilkinson, Todd Swift, Kim Lockwood


Isabella Mead has contributed to the following publication: